decor • declutter • simplify
Hi! My name's Jo. I'm a home decor and decluttering enthusiast from Toronto, who's also a mom and part-time MD.

I enjoy styling and organizing our home. In fact, I'm downright pathological about it.
I love my son more than anything, but refuse to let being a mom engulf the rest of my identity. My home doesn't scream 'kids live here!' In fact, it may not even whisper that...
I take pride in finding the most efficient, stylish way of doing things and would love to share that with you.
I hope to use this space to share my tips, tricks, DIYs, and favourite things related to home decor, home organization, style & simplifying life with kids.

I'm aiming to provide a useful resource for other busy moms who strive to do it all while making it look good!
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Check out these posts for a sample of what this blog's about:
As featured in:
Feel free to contact me with any questions or requests for collaborations. I'd love to work with you!
Thank you to all of my sponsors!